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“Pati or Lady Red is someone who is FEARLESS. She is Authentic, Gifted, Reserved, Intuitive, Empathetic & a Leader. She isn’t someone you can push around, stumped on or walk all over. She is someone who embraces who she is every day and who she is becoming. For she has lost herself in own her journey during her darkest moment of her life; she will always come out on Top. She isn’t here to please people. She is here to share her gifts and guide some a long her path. She is here to share her truth and encourage others to live their truth! She knows that she can’t save the world and she also know that she can’t help everyone. Her energy is contagious. For she has great intentions with herself and anything that she puts out to this world. She came here to Teach as she is a Master Number "Eleven." One of the few chosen ones who is here to bring light to the world and help people embrace who they are & why they are here on the first place. To remind her tribe that not all storms come to disrupt you life. Some storms come to AWAKEN YOU, so that you can walk your Purpose and Be who you are."
A medium has psychic abilities but not all psychics are capable of becoming mediums. A medium can directly communicate with the spirits in the afterlife. This special ability can not be performed by a psychic. A medium serves as a channel between the world of the living and the afterlife which is beyond the abilities of a psychic.
A psychic can provide insights for you concerning relationships, career, money, or love.
A medium reads the messages of the spirits in the afterlife.
With peace, love, light and protection I welcome you and I allow you into my space to get to know me a little bit more... so here it is...
My name is Patricia. Some call me Ms. Pati, other people call me Lady Red. I believe that I have two different personalities. A good side and a bad side. We all have that I believe. Is part of my ying yang, feminine and masculine energies. A sweet Pati and a Tough Lady Red. Without getting to know my dark side, I won't be here where I am now right? We all need to have balance, create harmony within ourselves and the world around us. I got my name from my grandmother Divina who passed away in 2006. Her daughter passed from cancer, and I was re born again and came back again as her favorite "granddaughter" on this lifetime. Do you all believe in Reincarnation? because I do!
I am from Ecuador, Guayaquil. Born and raised in the city. Raised in a humble environment which we didn't have a lot. My dad was selling clothes, and my mom was taking care of home and her 5 daughters. Growing up in Ecuador was so much fun. I used to play in the mud, play in the rain, visited my cousins and so much more. I used to love roller skating when I was little. There was so much freedom living in my country where we didn't get judged by our color or race. I came to the USA in 1997 with my dad and my stepmother. My dad remarried another woman, left my mom to marry someone else which affected my siblings and I mentally & emotionally. Which I also predicted their divorced at a young age. My mom wanted us "her daughters" to have a better life so we came with our dad to the USA for better opportunities and also for a better school. Everyone thinks that leaving another country is easy. Speaking and learning English was not easy at all. I also was an immigrant as well. I feel like we should never be divided because we are ONE. South America is part of "AMERICA." I feel like we shall all come to the USA for a better life, a better environment and school for our children, also for better job opportunities. Leaving my mom at 9 years old was such a heartbreak for me. I had depression and it wasn't easy at all. I have 11 siblings and I am the middle child. I am the "counselor, the one that people come to for advice and about their problems, and the problem solver. I would say that out of all my siblings I am the CHOSEN ONE. THE BLACK SHEEP."
When I left my mom at the airport, I left a part of me that day. I knew I was going to miss her so much. My mom made a lot of sacrifices for my sisters and I, which I am more than thankful for her till this day. Growing up in the USA wasn't easy. I went straight to school, 6th grade. I had to learn English which I believe is one of the hardest languages to learn. My stepmother taught us English, and we learned through some books. I had a very tough relationship with my Stepmother at first because it was hard accepting her as my "new mom." It was very hard for me to trust people at a young age. I went to Manaponi Elementary School and made some new friends. Although I got bullied and people used to laugh at me because I couldn't speak much English, I still managed to make a bad day into a good day. Even if that day was all to myself. People who are highly intuitive are loners. But moving forward I started playing soccer and I joined some soccer team. Which soccer is one of my favorite sports to play. My family is Catholic, so I was Catholic as well. I got baptized in Ecuador, did my communion in Ecuador, and my confirmation here in the USA. I remember my parents pushing me to go to church every Sunday. I wasn't happy with that, because they liked going to church doesn't mean that I need to go to church every Sunday. My dad was very strict, and I also had a very complicated relationship with him. I want to be authentic here. My dad was a great father that taught me how to be independent. Cut the grass, change the oil in my car and so forth. But my father had a drinking problem, and he was very abusive. My dad was controlling, and I didn't have the greatest childhood because home felt like prison to me. So, throughout my relationships growing up that's all I attracted, "abusive relationships." Other than attracting abusive relationships, I had to keep my mind busy by playing sports and studying English. As a teenager I remember I used to predict things with my cards for my sisters. I used to tell them This is what you are going to go through, this person isn't for you and so forth. I enjoyed receiving messages from those playing cards. Although reading cards wasn't my full-time job... I remember doing it just for fun. Eventually things I picked up on and things I predicted came true. I consider myself a highly intuitive person. I have a cancer moon, a cancer sun, and a Scorpio Rising! People who have a lot of water in their chart are very intuitive.
Growing up in the USA I did a lot of good things and bad things honestly. I want to share the truth here and be real with you all... I am not afraid of who I am or my past mistakes... but" my past mistakes are not who I am today." I was a stripper in 2004, I did music in 2004 and did my album which I was living with a toxic Manager who got me in very deep trouble. I used to steal cars and I had a problem with my hands which I liked fighting a lot. My life turned around when I ran from home at the age of 15. My dad wasn't a supportive person of my dreams. He was very negative and he never believed in me. Which was me wanting to be in the music industry. I ran from home because my dad was also very abusive. I remember sleeping in my red car and going to an ex house for company. Which that ex was also abusive and got me in trouble. I was attracting what I needed to heal. Somehow one day I had to cut that cord and stop the pattern. I dealt with 3 karmic partners before meeting my Twin Flame Craig. My relationships growing up were very abusive. I got ran over by a car, a gun to my head and someone chocked me that I almost died. I had to let go of all of them because those relationships weren't healthy for me. I went back home when I didn't want to be a stripper anymore at the age of 17. From that time my life got dark. I have been through a lot of traumatizing things in my life. I also got raped in 2004 by the person I was living with which was my Music Manager.
Between 2004-2010 there is this huge gap of a dark place in my life that I can't share with you all because is personal but that that dark place helped me find my light again. I feel like God gives his hardest battles to his strongest soldiers and I am one of them. I feel like God chooses certain people to help raise the vibration on this 3D earth dimension. I had a calling... I had to follow it!
I have been an intuitive person all my life. I feel like we are all intuitive souls. We are each born with Intuition and many gifts within ourselves that needs to be explored. One of the strongest gifts I have is called precognition where I can tell future events and things before it happens. Sometimes it is scary because these dreams can also signify "warnings." A gift and a curse if you ask me. Do I tell a person when something bad happens to them? "I learned in time that people have go through their own karma, which they have to learn a lesson from. I can't keep continuing saving people or rescuing people all the time because it can take a huge toll on me physically, emotionally and vibrationally. Not only that but as a Psychic Medium we tend to have this "rescuing savior" and I cannot rely on that all the time. So, I learned to let people go through their lessons and not interrupt their karma."
My specialty is doing Tarot readings and Love Readings. I am really good at predicting the outcome of a relationship. I been predicting outcomes of relationships when I was a teenager which I can also predict the gender of a pregnancy before the baby is even born and I can feel spirits around. Which I can also pick up if it's a good spirit or a bad spirit.
I am a natural Witch, a Light worker, a light Warrior, a Seer, an Evidential Psychic Medium, a Healer, a Curandera & a Channeler between heaven and earth.
Throughout my journey my path wasn't easy at all. From losing my ex Fiancé to my children, my brother and my grandmother. From losing them and going through obstacles & challenges on my own, it has taught me how to value life a little bit more. I lost my fiancé Craig in 2018 and I lost my children Raquel & Yusuf in 2014 & 2016 (still birth and miscarriage.) And here I still STAND. Grateful for the lessons. Strong, Determined and ready for whatever Life has to offer me. The good & the bad. Yes, sometimes some people's life can end early, and some live a longer life. Tomorrow isn't promised. Let’s normalize telling our story & still crying about it because that’s part of our "HEALING" process.
After my fiancé passing, I started to question things like "is there life after death?" The answer to that is "yes." But it took me time to find clarity, to also accept his death and to read books like “many lives, many masters. “ by Dr. Brian Weiss. His books changed my life and gave me a lot of clarity on people's departure. I remember reading his books and I started dreaming about the many lives I had with my Fiancé Craig. I knew then that his departure wasn't a goodbye after all. I connected more and more with my fiancé and through him I found my Mediumship gift. I also took a Mediumship class with my Mentor Silvia, and she showed me on how to connect with peoples loved ones from the other side. My Fiancé, my children and my grandmother are the reason why I created this business platform. "To help people find their light and remind them why they are here on this earth dimension. That there is so much more other than pain, and that there is light at the end of each tunnel that we all go through." But I also want to acknowledge my best friend Ashley who pushed me into taping into my Gifts and share it with others. She has her own juicing company by the way you can check her out at Contact Us | JuiceIsLife. She sells juices that can benefit your health.
I was always passion about Tarot & Love Readings. I remember doing a reading for my best friend and her relationship in 2020and told her "You are not going to end up with this person." A week later her person broke up with her. She encouraged me to start a business platform. So I started my Facebook page and did Free Readings to get my business going. I used my gifts as a motivation tool. I use my pain as my strength. I had to step into my calling and become the Entrepreneur, Businesswoman I was meant to be. I had to follow my dream and pursue one of my purposes. Our purpose in this planet are many things, not just one thing. After all, life is too short to not live your dreams & not become who you are meant to be!
"I was meant to stand out... I was meant to break curses from past generations.. I was meant to bring healing to this world and to those who need it."
Not many people believe in Psychics or Mediums and that is okay. Your opinion is yours and not mine. Spirituality is not a Religion. My Religion is Love and I also treat people the same way they treat me. There is no judgement here. I do not follow a bible and I do not go to church. I am the church. I have God in me. My home is my sanctuary, and my home is my altar. I cherish it and I honor it every day. We are each entitle to follow our dreams and believe what we want to believe. I once was a Catholic, but God showed me something different & that is okay. "We all go through things in life that will shake us and awaken us differently." Throughout my spiritual journey God, "Source" showed me that this world is not the only world that we all live in. This is a school and we all come here to learn. When we are ready to move on, we up grade and we move to another dimension. We heal so that we can ascend. We get sick so that we can raise our vibration. Learning is an ongoing process for all of us. We never get sick, sick is in our mental, we get sick because we shed that skin layer in order to obtain a new one. My words are powerful, so I try to be careful what I say and how I say it. For what I am attracting he energy that I am currently sitting in.
There is life after death because our spirits are immortal. Psychic mediums can see far beyond what any regular or 3D person can see. Some utilize their gits to help the collective and others to teach. Some have a business and others do readings for free. We all are different in many ways, but we are one soul. Let's continue to respect each other's differences.
Making a payment towards your readings is what's called an "energy exchange." As a psychic medium and a highly sensitive empath it can take a toll on me doing your psychic readings because I have to have a lot of energy to pull your Spirit Guides in. I love connecting with people's spirit guides and I try to maintain a healthy boundary with them as well as my clients. It is important to have healthy boundaries with my clients. Also, part of your payment goes to my non profit organization called "Saving a Cats in Baltimore City," which helps with their food, shelter and vaccines. You can check out those pictures below as well. We also have our amazon wish list if you would like to donate towards our pantry.
This is also me giving back to my community as my "ACT OF SERVICE." It is very important to give my good deeds. So, I truly appreciate you for booking me and believing in me & my gifts.
Thank you for letting me share a little bit of my story.. my story is still being written...
Patricia is someone who I fight for. Lady Red is someone who embraces her darkness & everything that comes her way!
Blessed Be
You are booking with the best Psychic Medium on the East Coast. New Clients please book a consultation first!
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